SAPiens - Shifts in the AnthroPocene : immigration, ecology and new media studies

Axe Thématique : Sciences, technologie et SHS / Repenser l'interdisciplinarité aujourd'hui / SHS et représentation(s) du monde

Ce projet a reçu un financement de l'appel à projets « Amorçage » en 2020.
Retour AAP « Amorçage » - Lauréats des appels à projets


  • Anna STREET, 3L.AM, Le Mans Université


The fields typically covered by the term posthumanism, while already myriad in themselves, are rapidly expanding from the nebula of philosophical and technoscientific knowledge to include international crises such as climate change and immigration. While the human is being eclipsed by the rise of technology in the digital age of virtual realities, the all-too material realities of climate change and geopolitical upheaval are also banishing the human being, not only from its privileged position of ideological sovereignty, but in many literal instances (70 million and counting) from its land of origin as well. The project SAPiens aims to invite renewed investigation into these planetary-scale displacements of the human along three principal areas of inquiry :

  • Immigration
  • Ecology
  • New media studies

In order to generate interest for this new field in France and establish a core team of local partners, the objective for this preliminary step is to limit the approach to artistic representations of the Anthropocene as a means of initiating critical thinking around the question of performance.

Mis à jour le 13 juillet 2022. -immigration-ecology-and-new-media-studies